Q: What proxy should I select?
A: That will depend on whether you subscribe to Singnet, Starhub, Scv, Pacific Internet or Cyberway. No proxy is required for broadband service such as ADSL, Magix, SCV cable modem and leased line. Only with the correct proxy, will you able to download data successfully. Otherwise, an 'incorrect proxy' message will appear.
Q: How to download data daily?
A: Click download listings, click download files from internet and click 'Go'. If this is your first time, you will have to select proxy if you are using a modem dial-up access.
Q: How to upgrade program?
A: Click update program and then click 'Go'. If this is your first time, you will have to select proxy if you are using a modem dial-up access. Information on the lastest available version is reflected in the message during your daily data download.
Q: How to print out or export only a few selected records?
A: Just change the selected markers 'Y' to any character (eg 'A' or '2'). You also have to change the selected records marker to 'A'. In this way, only those records with marker set to 'A' will be printed or exported.
Q: How to select Blk 500 series in Hougang?
A: Enter 5xx for the Blk field and click 'Find'. All the Blk 500 series will appear. However if you just enter 5 for the Blk field and click 'Find'. All blocks starting with 5 will be retrieved (eg. blk 5, 50, 51, 59, 500, 573, 5468 etc).
Q: When download listing, 'serial no. not found ' message appear.
A: This mean that your contract has expired. If you wish to continue, you have to send us a cheque to extend your contract.
Q: How to delete database in Palm DB?
A: Please click here for details.